Bouchey Blog

Now You Too Can Expect Fiduciary Guidance on Your Retirement!

By Catherine Buck | May 29, 2024

  Written by: Nicole Gobel CPA, CDFA Is your advisor a fiduciary? Do you know whether the advice you’re being given around retirement is in your best interest? A new Department of Labor rule was recently released that aims to protect many more individuals from conflicts of interest. What is a fiduciary? How has the…

Social Security Planning: Understanding and Planning Around Benefit Reductions 

By Catherine Buck | May 20, 2024

    Written By: Catherine (Katie) Buck   We will cover: What is social security? Social Security Planning Benefit Reductions   Social Security The Social Security Bill was signed into law on August 14th, 1935 by Franklin D. Roosevelt. The benefits for retired workers were designed to prevent dependency and entitle retirees to some form of…

Retire on Your Terms

Retire on Your Terms: Planning for Early Retirement

By Samantha Masey | May 15, 2024

Are you or a loved one contemplating early retirement but unsure where to begin? Watch our newest webinar discussing tailored strategies for those pursuing early retirement. Martin Shields, CFP®, AIF® and Samantha Masey, CFP® discuss: What does early retirement look like? When is it a good fit? Strategies to achieve early financial independence. What are…

Capital Region Chamber: Women’s Business Council Luncheon

By Catherine Buck | May 15, 2024

Women of Excellence Luncheon 2024   Our team attended the Capital Region Chamber’s 33rd Annual Women of Excellence Luncheon last Friday, May 10th. The council honored six accomplished women for their achievements and impactful work within their careers and the community. Our team enjoyed the uplifting and engaging atmosphere and networked with attendees before the…

Understanding the FIRE Movement: A Path to Financial Independence and Early Retirement

By Catherine Buck | April 30, 2024

    Written by: Scott Strohecker, CFP®, EA   In recent years, the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement has gained in popularity as a revolutionary approach to personal finance and retirement planning. Promoting frugality, mindful spending, and strategic investing, the FIRE movement empowers individuals to break free from traditional work constraints and pursue financial…

Understanding and Maximizing Your Financial Aid Through FAFSA

By Catherine Buck | April 22, 2024

  Written by: Paolo LaPietra, CFP®   Navigating the process of financial aid and scholarships is a major step for students aiming to manage and minimize the burden of student loan debt. The process, although complex, unlocks numerous opportunities for making higher education more accessible and affordable. This blog provides a comprehensive guide that dives into…

Money Mishaps: Financial Mistakes to Sidestep for a Wealthier Tomorrow

By Catherine Buck | April 15, 2024

  Written by: Vincenzo Testa, CPA, CFP®   Living Beyond Your Means In today’s consumer-driven society, it’s tempting to succumb to the pressure of keeping up with the Joneses. However, living beyond your means by overspending on luxuries or financing purchases with debt can have serious long-term consequences. Practice living below your means by prioritizing needs…