Q2 2024 Market and Economic Update

Q2 2024 Market Update

As the second quarter comes to an end, our investment team recaps what we’ve seen year-to-date and what economic factors may have the biggest impact on the markets for the remainder of the year. Topics include: First Half Market Recap Economic Overview Finding Balance in Today’s Market Watch the recording below and download the Q2 2024…

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What is Your Relationship with Money?

Relationship with money

The four behaviors I see most with individuals and their money. Written by: Ryan Bouchey, CFP ®, CPA Working with clients through the years opens you up to many different experiences. It’s funny, early on in my career I always found myself doing all I could to work on my technical abilities and use “math”…

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Unlocking the Value of Independent Financial Advisors

Written by: Samantha Masey, CFP®   As the technology for self-managed investment platforms and robo-advisors advances, many people have begun to wonder if the cost of hiring a financial advisor is worth it. To some the fee-only model may not appear to be as affordable as other options, but those same people may be surprised…

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Smart Philanthropy: A Tale of Three Donors

Smart Philanthropy

Charitable giving is one of the most meaningful ways you can have an impact. This webinar dives into three case studies of charitable giving strategies to maximize an individual’s charitable inclinations while considering financial needs and optimizing tax benefits. Learn more about: Donor Advised Funds Charitable Remainder Trusts Private Foundations Watch the recording below! Play…

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Retire on Your Terms: Planning for Early Retirement

Retire on Your Terms

Are you or a loved one contemplating early retirement but unsure where to begin? Watch our newest webinar discussing tailored strategies for those pursuing early retirement. Martin Shields, CFP®, AIF® and Samantha Masey, CFP® discuss: What does early retirement look like? When is it a good fit? Strategies to achieve early financial independence. What are…

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Q1 2024 Market Update

Market Momentum Written by: Ryan Bouchey, Chief Investment Officer Download the Report Here   2024 Off to a Strong Start We’re a quarter into the new year and the markets feel awfully similar to 2023, but for different reasons. We are seeing the stock market continuing to reach new highs with little volatility. For many…

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Q1 2024 Market and Economic Update

q1 2024

As the first quarter comes to an end, our investment team recaps what we’ve seen year-to-date and what economic factors may have the biggest impact on the markets for the remainder of the year. Topics include: 1st Quarter Recap Economic Overview The Fed & Fixed Income Outlook Market Outlook & Expectations Watch the recording below…

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