Market Update

Q2 2024 Market Update

By Catherine Buck | July 19, 2024

Striking the Right Balance Written by: Ryan Bouchey, Chief Investment Officer Download the Report Here   2024 First Half Update Recently, I’ve been thinking about the word nuance as it relates to the markets given some of the recent volatility we’ve seen these past few weeks. Headlines are an easy way to sell the news, and…

Q1 2024 Market Update

By Samantha Masey | April 12, 2024

Market Momentum Written by: Ryan Bouchey, Chief Investment Officer Download the Report Here   2024 Off to a Strong Start We’re a quarter into the new year and the markets feel awfully similar to 2023, but for different reasons. We are seeing the stock market continuing to reach new highs with little volatility. For many…

Q3 2023 Market and Economic Update

By Catherine Buck | October 11, 2023

As the third quarter has come to an end, our focus will be on what we’ve seen so far year-to-date and what economic factors may have the biggest impact on the markets as we close out the year. Our discussion will be led by Chief Investment Officer Ryan Bouchey and Portfolio Strategist Paolo LaPietra. Topics…

US vs International Equities

The Numbers Behind a Home Bias

By Samantha Masey | August 11, 2023

It’s been an up and down week in the markets, following a down week last week. The headlines continue to be driven by inflation news (good and bad), July jobs report last week (somewhere in the middle) and last week’s downgrade of U.S. debt from AAA to AA+ by Fitch (bad but not worrisome). What…

Bouchey Financial Group

Behavioral Finance and Its Impact on Investing

By Samantha Masey | March 1, 2022

Starting my career in finance at the turn of the century, I have lived through some of the best and worst times in investing and witnessed the role emotions play in decision making. Investors have experienced several market crashes (dot-com bubble, financial crisis, COVID-19) as well as seeing the S&P 500 roughly triple in that…