Bouchey Blog
Written by: Samantha Masey Many young professionals are not aware that saving for retirement now will have a huge impact on their financial picture in the long run. This article offers three practical steps to get their financial life on track. Three steps for savings towards retirement: Create a Budget Contribute to Employer Retirement Plans…
Written by: Harmony Wagner, CFP® 401(k)s, 403(b)s, and other similar employer-offered retirement plans have some great benefits. These plans make it easy to save directly from your paycheck and can help simplify the investment experience, especially for those in the early years of retirement saving or who have a relatively low account balance. However, there…
Written by: Nicole Gobel, CPA “How much do I need to retire?” is possibly the most important question that an advisor can help answer for a client. While the answer is different for every situation there are essential pieces of information that should always be part of the conversation. Some are factual, while others are assumptions…
Written by: Vincenzo Testa, CPA It has been almost two years since the entire world shut down. We all remember March 2020; when our places of work sent us home for the day. We did not know what to expect. Who would have known two years later we would still be dealing with the headwinds…
Written by: Martin Shields, CFP®, AIF ® Let’s first start by defining what portfolio rebalancing entails. This process brings the asset classes in your portfolio back to their target weight from either overweight or underweight positions. This entails selling your fastest growing assets and buying assets classes that have been underperforming. It is a prudent…
As we approach “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year”, I for one am looking forward to spending much needed quality time with family and friends reflecting on how fortunate I am to have every one of them in my life. My two daughters who are 9 and 7 years old respectively, have been carefully…
Written by: Paolo LaPietra, CFP® Over the last few weeks, I’ve been discussing the relationship between the bond market and T.I.N.A with clients. Their initial facial expressions as they try to figure out who T.I.N.A is and what she has to do with the bond market are priceless. Before they start guessing, if it’s a…