Bouchey Blog

Bouchey Financial Group

‘Twas the Last Month of the Year and Tax Planning Is Here

By Samantha Masey | December 8, 2021

Written by: Jennifer D. Foley, CPA – Wealth Advisor & Tax Planner As the end of the year approaches and is filled with holiday distractions it is important not to forget year-end tax planning. In this article, I have provided some tips to help reduce your tax bill and potential changes to pay attention to…

Bouchey Financial Group

Good vs Bad Debt: Does Good Debt Exist?

By Samantha Masey | November 15, 2021

Written by: Samantha Masey – Associate Wealth Advisor I recently had a conversation with someone who shared that his parents taught him that all debt is bad, and it has significantly influenced his financial decisions. Since becoming a financial planner I hear this sentiment more and more from clients, friends, and family. Many people believe…

Bouchey Financial Group

Albany Business Review’s Best Places to Work

By Samantha Masey | November 9, 2021

Bouchey Financial Group is proud to be honored as one of the Albany Business Review’s 2021 Best Places to Work! We are proud of our team, and their hard work and dedication to our clients. Our staff is second to none and we give them all the credit for creating a thriving and encouraging work…

Should My Investment Allocation Become More Conservative in Retirement?

By Samantha Masey | November 2, 2021

Written by: Harmony Wagner, CFP® Retirement is one of the biggest financial transitions for many people, and one that often leaves people wondering if they should become more conservative with their investment allocation. Going through this type of significant life transition can make people feel like they must make a major corresponding adjustment in their…

3 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Roth Conversion

By Samantha Masey | October 25, 2021

Written by: Nicole Gobel, CPA – Wealth Advisor & Tax Planner As seen in The Saratogian At least twice a week, I have a client who asks me whether a Roth conversion is something they should consider in their financial planning. This is also a topic that I often bring up in conversations with clients. …

2022 Social Security Benefit Increase

By Samantha Masey | October 15, 2021

Written by: Vincenzo Testa, CPA As seen in the Saratogian The Social Security Act was signed into law by President Roosevelt on August 14, 1935. It was created as a safety net for elderly, unemployed and Americans who are at a disadvantage. When an American worker receives a paycheck on their earned income, they pay…

Bouchey Financial Group

Planning for Retirement – 5 Factors to Consider Beyond Your Finances

By Samantha Masey | October 12, 2021

Written by: Martin X. Shields, CFP®, AIF® When couples or individuals plan for retirement, they are primarily focused on their financial picture and whether they have the income and assets to cover their expenses.  What they often fail to plan or consider are the other factors that will drive happiness and fulfillment in retirement. In…