Bouchey Blog

Bouchey Financial Group

Dear Elected Officials in Washington….JUST DO YOUR JOB PLEASE

By drawpub | December 21, 2012

After the latest turn of events in Washington, I thought it was time to try and make sense out of the mess our country is in. A Blog is a forum to share ones opinion, and let me start off by saying I am not registered in any political party, I’m considered a blank at…

Bouchey Financial Group

New Professional Joins Team

By drawpub | July 30, 2012

Charles Schwab tells us that we are in the top 10% of all firms in the country because of our dedicated team and the investment we’ve made in technology. With that being said, we aren’t sitting on our laurels and have invested in a trading / CRM platform that is second to none so we…

Bouchey Financial Group

2nd Quarter Update

By drawpub | July 30, 2012

Investors saw red during the 2nd quarter and it wasn’t from the fireworks, rather it was the never ending headlines that added to the volatility and made for a down quarter. The Dow was off – 2.5%, S&P 500 down – 3.3%, Nasdaq giving back the most – 5% and the Russell 2000 small-cap index…

Bouchey Financial Group

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012

By drawpub | January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!!! I have been helping clients manage their wealth for more than 21 years and I can’t remember a year that was as crazy as 2011 was. With that being said, let me start out by saying goodbye 2011 and HELLO 2012.  Since 1926, the S&P 500 index has returned 11% during an…

Bouchey Financial Group

Cyber Monday is not for me

By drawpub | November 28, 2011

It’s only a couple hours into the trading day but the markets are up over 3% and some near 4%, wiping out more than half of last week’s losses (its early and who knows where we will be at 4:00). Long-term investors need to take notice that trying to time the markets is a losing…

Bouchey Financial Group

Market Update

By drawpub | November 22, 2011

Because of all the recent headlines, I wanted to share some mid-quarter observations which may be stirring up unwanted emotions. First of all, the US and global economic outlook has deteriorated since my last letter, and I believe there’s a lot of bad news built into stock markets. This isn’t the first time investors have…

Bouchey Financial Group

Another Rainy Day on Wallstreet

By drawpub | October 6, 2011

Rain, rain, go away, please come back another day. Unfortunately, we have no control over Mother Nature and the chaos she can create so let’s pray that she takes a break and all of the people who have been sadly affected by her actions can get their lives back in order sooner than later. What…