Bouchey Blog

Bouchey Financial Group

First Quarter Commentary

By drawpub | April 7, 2010

Spring is in the air, the sun is shining and stocks keep rising…let’s hope it continues!!! The S&P 500 In­dex capped its best first quarter since 1998, with its fifth straight weekly gain.  The DJIA was up 4.1% and the S&P 500 4.9% for the first three months of 2010. Since March’s low last year,…

Bouchey Financial Group

Happy New Year

By drawpub | February 8, 2010

Happy New Year!!! “Baby its cold outside” but the stock market is the hot place to be!!! Let’s hope that 2010 is nearly as good as 2009 which turned out to be a phenomenal year compared to how it started. Last year at this time we thought the world was coming to an end and…

Bouchey Financial Group

July Update

By drawpub | July 16, 2009

Will it be a lazy hazy day of summer…..or just more rain? It seems like summer has just recently arrived and let’s hope it stays around for a while. In the meantime, stocks have been on a tear since early March but has given some of its gain back over the past four weeks. Whether…

Bouchey Financial Group

A Spring Update

By drawpub | April 20, 2009

Spring is in the air and the stock market has been on a tear over the past several weeks. Hopefully, this time the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t another train coming at us, but, may truly be the light at the end of the tunnel after 15 months of darkness! By March…

Steven Bouchey On Capital Tonight

By drawpub | March 25, 2009

This past Wednesday, Steven was invited to provide financial advice for viewers of Capital Tonight through Capital News 9. Capital Tonight – 03.18.2009 During this Capital Tonight call in, he tackles topics such as how to invest, and what to do if you have lost your retirement savings this past year.  

Bouchey Financial Group

It’s time to ring in the New Year!

By drawpub | December 16, 2008

Happy Holidays!!!! As the song goes in Annie, tomorrow is only a day away, and I am definitely looking forward for 2008 to end so 2009 can start. It is natural for us to want a fresh beginning and after such a dismal year as 2008 has been, we can only hope for sunnier days…

Bouchey Financial Group

Inaugural Blog for Steven Bouchey

By drawpub | November 26, 2008

Welcome to Steven Bouchey’s Blog and my inaugural entry, which I hope will be one of many that interests you. What is a blog? “A blog (a contraction of the term “web log”) is a web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as…