Bouchey Blog

Bouchey Financial Group

Expectation for Muni Bonds in 2014

By Samantha Masey | December 30, 2013

This past year was a tough one for municipal bond investors with the Barclay’s Muni Bond Index posting its worst performance in the past 20 years.  This negative performance was driven in part by the high profile bankruptcy of Detroit and the issues related to cash strapped Puerto Rico.  Municipal bonds were also negatively impacted…

Bouchey Financial Group

Federal Reserve Taper

By Samantha Masey | December 19, 2013

We’ve been hearing rumors for months that the Federal Reserve would be tapering their monthly bond buying policy, otherwise known as Quantitative Easing (QE). Well that day finally occurred yesterday as the Fed announced that they would begin pulling back on their stimulus program by scaling it from $85 billion to $75 billion. For several…

“Top 10 Financial Tips from this Non Financial Lady”

By Samantha Masey | November 27, 2013

In an effort to keep you on your toes I have decided to contribute to our blog for the first time. So allow me to introduce myself. I am Victoria Baecker, the Director of Communications here at Bouchey Financial Group, Ltd., and I wanted to send you on your holiday weekend with a light hearted…

Bouchey Financial Group

Charles Schwab’s annual conference in Washington D.C.

By Samantha Masey | November 12, 2013

As part of our ongoing investment due diligence and research, we are attending Charles Schwab’s annual conference in Washington D.C.  Of the many great speakers we have heard from, we wanted to share the thoughts of two very prominent speakers.   Gregory Valliere, who is the Chief Political Strategist at the Potomac Research Group (…

Bouchey Financial Group

2014 Changes to Employer Based Retirement Plans and Social Security

By Samantha Masey | November 8, 2013

Every year in the fall, the federal government provides new guidelines on how much can be saved to an employer based retirement plan and annual adjustments to Social Security. Below is a summary of the major changes released this fall for 2014. The elective deferral limit (i.e., participant contribution limit) for 401(k), 403(b) and 457(b) plans remains…

Bouchey Financial Group

Bouchey Financial Group 3rd Quarter Market & Economic Review

By Samantha Masey | October 23, 2013

Market Overview: September marked the five‐year anniversary of the financial crisis. Although the general mood of the country doesn’t always register that we have made much progress, the markets have certainly come a long way since September 2008 (174% off March 2009 lows as shown in Exhibit 1). This strength was evident in the markets…

Bouchey Financial Group

The Direction of the Fed under Chairwoman Yellen

By Samantha Masey | October 12, 2013

This week President Obama named Janet Yellen to be the next head of the Federal Reserve replacing Ben Bernacke who will step down from the post at the end of January after six years in the position.  A milestone in the world of finance and economics, Ms. Yellen will be the first female to hold…