Bouchey Blog

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012
Happy New Year!!! I have been helping clients manage their wealth for more than 21 years and I can’t remember...
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Cyber Monday is not for me
It’s only a couple hours into the trading day but the markets are up over 3% and some near 4%,...
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Market Update
Because of all the recent headlines, I wanted to share some mid-quarter observations which may be stirring up unwanted emotions....
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Another Rainy Day on Wallstreet
Rain, rain, go away, please come back another day. Unfortunately, we have no control over Mother Nature and the chaos...
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Global Meltdown or just Ugly?
After seeing nothing but red arrows facing down today for any and all types of investments, I wanted to share...
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Another Wild Day on Wall Street…Do I Sell, Hold or Buy?
Why is it that when Europe sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold? The simplest answer is every...
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The WGY Morning News
Steve joined Chuck and Kelly and The WGY Morning News earlier today to discuss America's and the world's financial woes. Listen Here
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S&P Downgrade Comments
With the recent downgrade of the US credit rating by Standard & Poor’s, I wanted to share my views before...
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Second Qtr 2011
I hope you are enjoying these lazy hazy days of summer….it is flying by too fast. As I write this,...
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6 Down Weeks in a Row
I feel that the markets are taking a breather here and am hopeful that the stock market will be higher...
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