“Top 10 Financial Tips from this Non Financial Lady”

In an effort to keep you on your toes I have decided to contribute to our blog for the first time. So allow me to introduce myself. I am Victoria Baecker, the Director of Communications here at Bouchey Financial Group, Ltd., and I wanted to send you on your holiday weekend with a light hearted look at finance. The world of finance can be confusing and scary for the average person. So you can rely on the great minds of the team here at Bouchey Financial Group, Ltd. —thank goodness, but in the meantime what can you do to save a dollar here or a little extra cash there? 

Here they are my “Top 10 Financial Tips from this Non Financial Lady”

 1. That’s my budget and I’m sticking to it.

Budgeting is as easy as an app these day,  literally. You can download (some for free) budgeting apps on your Smartphone or iPad that can help get you on the right track. They are simple, but do require a little dedication, so make a choice to commit to one and start saving.  

 2. No Starbucks for you!

This one was particularly hard for me, but when I realized that my daily Starbucks habit was costing me an average of $900 a year the choice was simple….stop it now! Understanding that Starbucks was coming between me and a new computer, TV or car payment the decision was simple. Making coffee and bringing it in a funky reusable Starbucks travel mug feels empowering and smart.

3. TV or not TV? That is the question.

With so many options to watch TV online, cable is just not as important as it used to be. By canceling my cable I have saved an average of $520 a year and that includes a subscription to HuluPlus!

 4.Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

So you claim to be environmentally sound. You recycle, you don’t let the water run while you brush your teeth and you use your hemp bag at the farmer’s market, but what about the stuff you have that you don’t use? Old clothes, linens, pots & pans, purses, shoes etc. Did you know by donating those items to a local thrift store you are helping the environment? Less energy is being used to create new “stuff” therefore helping good old Mother Earth~not to mention the tax write off.  

5.  Live well, be well.

Americans spend millions of dollars every year on medical related expenses. By sticking to a healthy diet and making exercise a priority you can keep your mind and body happy and healthy and your wallet a little thicker.

6.  Make your money work for you.

You would be hard pressed to find a credit card that doesn’t offer you some kind of reward these days: Cash, airfare, gift cards etc. So make your money work for you in a responsible manner.  

7.  Extreme Couponing…ok not really.

Have you seen that TLC show? Extreme couponing is basically a full time job for those people and while the average person doesn’t have time for that you can always get a deal. Free apps like retail me not or snip snap will give you a coupon for the store you are standing in! Check it out and save some money.

8.  Brown bag it baby.

With the average lunch date costing between $10-15/day you can easily spend over $3,000 a year on lunch! I try to limit myself to one lunch out a week. That can sometimes be difficult when you are meeting with clients or even friends, but at least try to brown bag it. 

9. A water with lemon please.

If you have to eat lunch out at a restaurant try drinking water. (Refer to number 5!) Not only is it a healthy choice, but it will save you a few dollars a day.

10. Ready, Set, Go!

Don’t delay. Make a change, any change, big or small–TODAY


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